This series consists of "things" I see in my everyday life, things that might be viewed as mundane or "everyday objects". When these objects are captured in new ways it forces the viewer to confront their view of normalacy. The viewer is forced to look at these “boring” objects differently. 
As we all know during the pandemic we were forced inside into our homes. We were mandated to stay inside and look at things that were our everyday objects. With all of us in solitude, it felt needed to look for the beauty in my everyday life. Life at times felt dreary, boring, repetitive, and uninspired. It was refreshing to walk around the house looking, searching for what I could create. A distraction from all the mayhem and uncertainty in the world. Looking at how the light paints over a chair or guitar kept me amused. It kept me from falling into the repetitiveness of being at home because I was always on the lookout for what could be more than meets the eye. Something just a few years ago I would have walked right past. I feel almost like this series kept me from going crazy in a crazy time. I had to look for the beauty of life in small things, in my everyday objects.